Chapter 4 Section 3 Guided Reading and Review Answers

world history chapter 32. May 7 to May20.

Student will hand in all work for chapter May 20 this will included Guided readings 235/ Reading summaries 234. Notes, Movie study questions. 234 will hand in take home quiz . 235 will have chapter test May 20. All students have received study guides for test. All students have also received final exam study guide. Teacher will go over study guide periodically .

World history chapter 31 April 30 to May 8

All students will hand in Reading summaries ,graphic organizers and notes and movie worksheet on Swing Kids April 8. Extra credit take home quiz will be given May 3 .This is for 234. This includes chapters 4 sections.
All work is to be handed in May 8 .This includes Power point notes , Guided Readings and Movie work sheet . Students will be able to take an extra credit Test . They will be provided a study guide and test review. All students have receive Review for final exam. Teacher is periodically going over final review .

World history Chapter 26 section 4/chapter 29 all sections April 18 to April 30.

All students must hand in all work for the chapter by April 30. This includes notes,quiz, guided readings or reading summaries test review (234) chapter test. Students will also see movie All Quiet on western front . They will have to hand in a worksheet on movie . This will include vocal. ,short answer question and history 235 will also have additional questions and essays .Also final exam test review was handed out April 21.

world history chapter 24/section 3/4 chapter 25 section 1/4

All students must hand in class notes, guided readings ,class summaries, test reviews ,take test by April 18. Chapter 24 section 3 is on the rise of nationalism in Europe and section 4 is on Romanticism. Chapter 25 section 1 will be on the Industrial revolution . Section 4 will be on the various economic theories and reform movements associated with the industrial revolution.

All students must hand in either take home quiz (234) or take home test (235) on April 11. Test must be handed in at the beginning of the period . Quiz must be handed in at the beginning of the period. All work for the chapter must be handed in April 12. This will include Notes and guided readings for 235 and notes and reading summaries . All work must be handed in on time .

Chapter 22 dates March 13 to March 20.

Students will hand in all work March 20th . This will include Notes guided readings. comparison of English Bill of right and U.s. Bill of rights . They will use a venn for this assignment . They will also analyze the declaration of independence in terms of Enlightenment philosophers . Quiz will be March 21. Test will be 25 all work must be handed in. 234 will hand in all notes and reading summaries and take quiz march 22, test march 25.

Chapter 19/20 world history.234/235

Students will do only chapter 19 section 1. Students will do all section from chapter 20. Students will hand in all notes ,Guided readings by March 12. Test will be short essay eleven questions.
234 will have to turn in notes take home quiz and reading summaries March 13

Students will also hand in the answer for the essential question :Analyze the value system of both the Northern and Southern Renaissance. What are some of the values in our society.Which values are similar which are different . Always give examples to support your answer.
What might be some values that might never change.
Student should break down essay question for better understanding . Student should also also answer all parts of essay for full credit.

Students will hand in all work, quiz, notes by Feb 22.
Along with usual material students will hand in 3 short power points One on Italian Renaissance artists One on northern Renaissance or Spanish artists Also they will present power point on their definition of art.Each power point will have about six slides with visual example .Student will have computers available for three days in class I will be at school early to help students that are not finished in the mornings. All work is due Friday the 22. Quiz will be the 21 of Feb. Test will be the 25 of Feb.

All students must hand in work the day of the test which is Feb. 4 Quiz will be Feb 1. 234 students will have take home quiz. they will had in Reading summaries, notes ,
test review. 235 Will have Quiz using notes. test will have 50 question . 235 will also hand in notes.For 234, and 235 teacher will go over test review.

Students will hand in all work the day of the test .This will include Guided readings, chapter summaries essential questions and notes. Quiz will be taken open note. Tuesday Jan 15 students will come to class with their three choices of collage. Collage person will talk to them about collage. Students will research these schools .

quiz Friday 11 of Jan. Test the 14 of Jan . All work is due the 14 of Jan.

All students hand in work the 13 when they will be tested on chapter. This will include notes Guided readings,chapter summaries Essential Questions Quiz will be taken with open notes.

All students will hand in notes, either guided reading (235) or chapter readings (234).The will also hand in Essential Question . All work must be handed in December 13. There will not be chapter quiz or test. All students have been given final exam review . Dec 13 and 14 will be open for final review

All students 234/ 235. All work is to be handed in December 3. This includes notes guided readings, chapter summaries ,essential question. Quiz for this chapter is take home due 12/2 test is 12/3 .All students should be working on final exam work sheet.

essential questions 235.
What was society like under the Abbasids and the Umayyads.
What were some of the accomplishments in art and science.
What were Muslim attitudes toward philosophy, religion, and science. Quiz on Nov.26. Test Nov 27. All students will also have final exam review .

Essential questions 235/
How did Mohammed's successors spread Islam.
What were reasons for conflict between different groups with in Islam.
How did Islam manage to create a huge empire on three continents .

Essential questions 235/ What was Arabia like before the rise of Islam.
How did Mohammad begin to unify the Arabian peninsula under Islam.
What are some Islamic beliefs and practices.
All students will hand in all work take test take quiz by Nov 27.

Essential question. What was the legacy of the Greco-Roman Empire.
What were some of Rome's major Achievements.
Quiz 13 of November . Test 14 of november. All work is to be handed in the 14th

Essential questions.What might have contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire .
What was done in order to salvage the Roman Empire.

Essential questions.Who was Jesus .
How and why did his teachings spread through out the Roman Empire.
What impact did Christianity have on the Roman empire.

Essential Questions. What were some of the facing the Roman Empire.
What events lead to creation of the Roman Empire.
What was the empires economy and government like.

Describe how geography influenced Rome's development Explain briefly the Roman Republic.
Explain the impact of the Punic Wars. 235.
All students must hand in all work at the end of the chapter. These include: quiz, test, notes, either guided readings. or chapter summaries .Students must also answer essential questions.

All work due the day of the test.235 should hand in notes ,guided readings and essential questions. Take quiz with notes.
234 must hand in chapter summaries .notes quiz and take test and hand in test review.

Chapter 4 section 4

All work due the day of the test October 7.

All students will hand in all work day of the test. All quizzes will be take with notes. 234 will hand in chapter summaries , test review and notes. 235 will hand in guided readings and notes and assigned essays.

Quiz 25, test 26. all work hand in day of the test

Students will have to hand in work take quiz take test when chapter is finished. 234 will also have to hand in power point Quiz can be taken with notes.
Tests no notes. 235 will hand ing guided readings notes take test with notes and also take tests.
Quiz will be 25 of september . Test 26.

234 power point project due.14 sep. quiz 17 test 19. 235 quiz sept 13 test 14.

234 students will hand in all work day of the test. This includes notes . worksheets test review and computer power point.
Test day will be announced .
235. will take quiz test and hand in essay. test will be announced

Chapter test will be September 4

All student in 234 will be expected to hand in class notes ,section reviews test reviews. Students may use notes on Quiz but not tests. All work is due day of the test which will be given at the end of the chapter.
All student in 235 will be expected to hand in class notes guided reading work sheets. Students must take 60 point quiz and 50 point test.Student must also hand in typed essays. All work must be handed in the day of the test.

section 2

all work on chapter 32 needs to be handed in by May 16.

chapter 32 section #1

all students must hand in bell ringer notes and movie notes . students will be given test review.
teacher will go over test review . 234 students will hand in review for credit . All students will also be given a final test review . Teacher will go over the review in class. Students should take notes on the review to study Final will have 180 questions . Will cover 3 and 4 quarter chapters

World history chapter 31 section 1

students will hand in notes and bell ringers at the end of the chapter . Students will also hand in movie notes on All quiet on the western front. All students will be given a test review . 234 students will hand in work for credit. Dates for chapter are
April 19 to May 1. Open response essay will also be given .Will be due May 1. Essay will be graded with school wide rubric .

world history chapter 29 section #1

All students will hand in notes bell ringers . Quiz will be open note . Each student will be given test review. Teacher will go over review in class. 234 students will hand in review for credit.Dates for chapter are April 10 to April 18.

Students will be doing work on Chapter 24 section 3 and 4. Students will the do work in Chapter 25 section 1/2/3/4. Dates for this chapter are March 23 to April 10.Students will hand in all notes bell
ringers on April 10. They will be given an open note open book take home test which will be due when they get back from spring break.

All students will hand in all work power points ,bell ringers,notes movie notes when chapter is completed. Two movies might be shown Amadeus and the Count of Monte Christo. Study questions will be provided Movies will be shown around March 15 to March 23.

World history chapter 19/20 section #1 feb.11 to feb27

All students will hand in notes and bell ringers at the end of the chapter.Quiz may be take with notes.
Power points will also be part of this chapter. Topics will be artist of the Renaissance.Students will also take a chapter test.

Each student will hand in bell ringer and notes at the end of the chapter . Quiz open notes .Las page of bell ringer will be 234 quiz. Students will also be given test worksheets Teacher will also go over test work sheets

quiz jan 12 test jan 13 All work is due the 13.

all students will hand in notes bell ringers at the en of the chapter. quiz will be open note. computer power point will also be part of the chapter. topic will be on the middle ages.

All students will hand in bell ringers notes at the end of the chapter. Students will be able to use notes on quiz. Students are responsible for all sections. Students will also be given the chance to go over and study for final exams.Chapter 13 will be studied from Dec.7 to Dec.16. Any essays will be graded using school rubric.

students will hand in notes and bell ringers at the end of the chapter. Students will take open note
quiz and students will take chapter test . Students will do sections 2,3,4 .235 will write essay . It will be graded with school rub rubric. All students will receive final exam work sheet. Teacher will go over work sheet as needed.
November 29-December 7.

Students will hand in bell ringers, notes when chapter is completed . Students will take open note quiz. students will take chapter test. 235 will write
essay and be graded according to school rubric
November 22-30

student will hand in bell ringers and notes, projects
when chapter is completed. Students will take open note quiz and chapter test. 235 students will hand in essays that will be graded according to school rubric. November 8-21

Chapter #6 october 25 to november 6.
Students will hand in bell ringers and notes,projects when chapter is due. Students will take open note quiz and chapter test.

Students will hand in bell ringers, notes, and project when chapter is completed. Students will take open note quiz. Students will take chapter test.

Students will hand in bell ringers, notes, projects
at the end of the chapter. Students will take generally open note quiz. Students will take chapter test.

Student will hand in bell ringers, noters, and any other project when chapter is completed. Student will take open note quiz. Student will take chapter test.

Student will hand in bell ringers , notes, projects
when chapter is completed . Students will take open note quiz. Student will take chapter test.

All section bell ringers notes and any projects are
due at the end of the chapter. Quiz are generally
open note . Tests are with no notes

Chapter #1 will start August 25 and finish Sept.5

Chapter 4 Section 3 Guided Reading and Review Answers


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