How Many Pages Are Usually in a Scrapbook

  • #1

How many pages is in your thickiest/biggest scrapbook?

I am doing a 12x12 of our last disney trip, and so far it is up to 50 pages. I wonder how many more I can add before its too thick!! Hopefully I will be done soon, I have a 2 week road trip in July coming up, and I am trying to start on our wedding/honeymoon from almost 3 years ago. And I am working a page at a time in our animal scrapbook.

I have my work cut out for me!

  • #2

I try not to have more then 45 pages (give or take a couple). Otherwise the albums get to heavy for people to hold when they are looking at it. Just my opinion of course. I have seen people with extremely thick/heavy albums, so I guess it is a matter of preference. Also, I would be concerned about the album holding together if it gets too heavy.


  • #3

My last scrapbook ended up being around 100 pages, that would be around 50 protectors. I am concerned that it is to big, but I did go to a hardware store and get on piece posts so that helped to stablize it some. I have so many ideas it is hard to contain the size of the book. I am thinking tho that for my next trip I may divide and conquer, one main book, then a seperate book for the MNSSHP and all the characters and events that will be associated with that.

I just want to scrap everything and I know that is to much.

  • #4

I try not to have more then 45 pages (give or take a couple). Otherwise the albums get to heavy for people to hold when they are looking at it. Just my opinion of course. I have seen people with extremely thick/heavy albums, so I guess it is a matter of preference. Also, I would be concerned about the album holding together if it gets too heavy.


Clarification on my post - When I stated 45 pages I meant 45 single sided pages or 90 sides. Of course depending on how much thick or heavy embellishing you do could make a difference. I am trying to learn to not use EVERY picture I take. Like Dismom55 I have a tendency to want to scrap everything.


  • #5

The trouble with really thick books is they're heavy and hard to handle unless you look at them lying on a table. If I reach the point where I can't do that, I split them up into more volumes. I have two volume cruise albums, for example.

  • #6

I am now doing mostly digital but in the past, using Creative Memories albums, it was advised to only put about 40-45 sheets in a page (so you would have 80-90 pages) in a book. (If you are using similar strap-hinge albums, I'd imagine this advice would apply). If you embellish a lot or use lots of paper layers, you'll want to have less pages so the binding can withstand the pages (you don't want all your hard work to fall apart!). I do chronological family albums each year and the years before I had kids were 1 volume per year and after having 2 kids, I do need to split the year into 2 different albums. If you tend to scrap in double page spreads (which I always did), start looking ahead to see where you'll want to split off into a new album so you won't end on the first page of your next spread. I know it's annoying to split albums but it will be worth it when your albums are still standing many years down the line.

  • #7

Our 2008 Disney trip was about 145 pages....I split it up into 4 albums.
Between the papers and embellishments, they did get pretty full and heavy quickly. Thank goodness for 40% off sales! lol

  • #8

I do think spliting into two albums is a great idea, due to this thread I am now considering getting 3 albums for my Sept trip, Vol 1 will be for items in MK and Epcot, then Vol 2 will be for AK and DHS as well as the restaurants I will scrap. Both of vol 1&2 will be identical except the first page will announce vol 1 or vol 2. Then I am going to be on the look out for album 3, hoping I can find one in fall colors and scrap everything to do with MNSSHP.

You are right that the album from our Dec 2007 trip is difficult to look at with out laying on a table. I do try to stay away from bulky embellishments, but still ended up getting a 2 inch post and it is still a tight fit. For now the book is nearly complete and will stay as it is, but for the future I will know better.

I think I have a plan now!!!

  • #9

I've always used CM albums. I thought they said not to go too far over 30. My biggest book is our first trip to Disney. I think it's 34 pages. It's heavy and as you open it the binding piece falls out. My annual family albums have gotten so big that I have to put those into 2 volumes. With 4 kids there is just too much to try to fit in. Last year I had so many pictures from Christmas morning that I did a page for each kid. So far I have kept the Disney trips to one stuffed book, but our trip from this past October might have to be 2 volumes. I took a loooooooooot of pictures!

  • #10

Do you use the same style of album for a single trip?

I'm working on scrapping my Oct '08 trip. I have the 2008 Disney album, but I didn't think about needing extra space for the trip! I'm at 20+ pages (includes front and back as seperate pages), and I'm only on Monday of a Sunday-Saturday trip! (The good news: on the Wednesday evening of the trip, Cinderella killed my digital camera, so the number of usable pictures is dramatically cut....) I couldnt' imagine NOT doing them in similar albums if I had to split them, but how hard is it going to be to find another 2008 Disney album? :confused3 Headed to ebay...

  • #11

I wanna say my largest is 52...

How Many Pages Are Usually in a Scrapbook


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