How to Make Origami Monster Claws

Good afternoon! Now we will conduct for you a step-by-step master class on creating interesting origami - claws that will serve as a great addition to the image or costume for the holiday. We will present two popular options for creating elements - paper claws.

Option number 1. DIY claws.

To bring this origami to life you only need a few sheets of paper (accordingly, as many sheets as you want to make nails).

1. Take a sheet of A4 paper. And we add the sheet from left to right (as shown in the picture) to obtain an isosceles triangle.

2 . Turn the bottom corner of the triangle towards the bottom right corner of the sheet. Carefully iron the origami fold lines with your own hands.

3 . Fold the edge that remains at the top of the origami so that as a result we see a square, as in the picture.

4 . Fold the square along the diagonal that you see so that you get an isosceles triangle and flip it with the bottom edge toward you, the bottom edge is the fold line (look at the picture).

5 . We determine which side of the triangle is composed of two layers, and here it is necessary to fold in half - we get a small triangle, and the side that consists of two layers is origami on top of us.

6 . We unfold the structure and fold the side, consisting of two layers, into a triangle - only now aligning the edges along the perpendicular line, which turned out after point No. 5. After that, we fold the triangle again - we get the "arrow".

7 . We bend the right side of the arrow to make a triangle again. In order to make high-quality and accurate claws - do not forget to do it yourself with your own hands to smooth the origami at each stage.

8 . We turn inside the origami edge, which is on the left when we begin to shape.

9 . The remaining right edge is the base of the claw, slightly unfold and insert a finger into it! In order for the claws to fit tightly on the fingers, it is necessary to insert the finger into a separate triangle, and not into the hole into which we bent the edge.

Congratulations - you're done! To give greater expressiveness, you can use colored paper or paint it yourself with felt pens, paints on our paper claws.

Video lesson:

Option number 2. Claws of Wolverine.

To create this not complicated, but very impressive design, you will need the following materials:

  • paper with a higher density than ordinary (from 120g / m2), cardboard is possible;
  • plain paper templates - A4 format;
  • glue gun for needlework (one core);
  • scissors;
  • spray can with paint or oil paints;
  • gloves to create a worthy element for a spectacular suit.

1. So let's get started. We take a sheet of plain paper: we fold it so that we get a narrow isosceles triangle along the entire length of the sheet. Next, circle the triangle and cut out the pattern. We outline cardboard or thick paper according to the template. Then we cut it out and turn it into a cone with our own hands. Twist the narrow end to make a closed cone.

2 .   Then we put two lines on the cone - along these lines we will cut the future claw. We cut it at a small angle, as shown in the picture, with this we can make claw elements by inserting them later into each other. Next, glue the joints of the claw with a glue gun for needlework.

3 .   When you have prepared 10 claws - now, so that we have a decent element for a suit, we take gloves. We put on gloves, try on them to our size, should fit snugly on our fingers, if necessary, we cut off the excess. Then we take a glue gun, we drop a little glue into each claw in turn. The glove must be worn on a pencil, and then on top of the claws - draw a pencil on the inside. Now it remains only to wait for the glue to fix the claws on the gloves and cool down.

4 .   The design is ready. For realistic elements, take a paint or spray can. First, we completely paint all the claws in a single color (we select the color in accordance with the color of the suit or gloves). When the main coat of paint dries, we draw bruises.

In order for the carnival costume to be perfect, perfectly match the chosen image, it is necessary to carefully take care even of the smallest details. For example, in order to realistically appear as a mutant or an evil predator, you need to take an interest in how to make claws of paper or other materials in advance and select all the necessary blanks.

In order for the carnival costume to be perfect, perfectly match the chosen image, it is necessary to carefully take care even of the smallest details

Doing crafts in the origami technique is very easy and simple. Even a child can cope with this task without much effort. A claw that completely covers the finger can be made according to this scheme:

  1. A4 sheet is folded first along, then across, then unfold.
  2. Cut the paper along the fold lines.
  3. One of the resulting triangles is laid to itself by the short side and the angle is added.
  4. The lower part is cut off with scissors, a square is obtained.
  5. Lay this square, directing an angle to itself.
  6. The right side is bent to the center line.
  7. The workpiece is turned over and slightly bent to an angle to the fold line.
  8. Again, turn the paper over to the front side.
  9. Bend the right side and thereby form a triangle.
  10. Now they turn the left part to the right and thereby hide the corner in the "pocket".
  11. They straighten the claw and make it voluminous.

On this principle, paper claws are made on all fingers.

Gallery: paper claws (25 photos)

Claws made of paper (video)

How to make claws like Wolverine, dragon, predator

Most boys like watching movies and reading comic books about Wolverine

There can't be any difficulties, the whole manufacturing process is planned in stages:

  1. An A4 sheet is placed on a flat surface and bent the upper right corner to the left to form an acute angle, in the upper edge it is on a par with the left.
  2. An acute angle is bent to the base, an uneven edge is bent toward the center.
  3. The resulting square is folded diagonally, resulting in a triangle.
  4. The right angle is directed up.
  5. Find the combined faces and expand the triangle, the edges are bent.
  6. The fold sheet is aligned.
  7. This figure is folded in half in length.
  8. The shape is fixed by turning the last of the corners inward.

To create the claws of a real predator or dragon, you need to follow the following instructions. For the manufacture of such tools are needed:

  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • glue gun;
  • paint;
  • paper.

Armed with everything you need, you can get to work:

  1. A sheet of paper is folded in the shape of a triangle, the edges of another triangle are drawn and cut out.
  2. The resulting template is transferred to a thicker paper and cut out the necessary shape.
  3. Fold it in the form of a cone.
  4. Draw a pair of diagonal lines on a cone and cut.
  5. Consistently fold all the parts at an angle one into the other, glue.
  6. Paint them with paint.

In this form, the claws will be similar to those that can be seen in a cat or lynx. If they are still glued to the gloves, they will resemble the hands of Freddy Kruger.

DIY claws made of iron or wood

Iron and wooden claws like Wolverine or Schroeder can only be made with all the necessary tools. It is strictly forbidden to make them for children, as this is no longer a toy, but a real weapon.

Iron and wooden claws like Wolverine or Schroeder can only be made with all the necessary tools.

In the process, you don't even need a drawing, if you strictly follow the instructions:

  1. Boat-shaped claws are cut out of metal or wood.
  2. In each instance, holes are made.
  3. All parts are put on the ring and tightly fixed with glue or using a welding machine.
  4. Fasten the finished craft to a thick leather glove.

How to make claws from cardboard or plasticine

The claws look impressive, for the manufacture of which not cardboard, but cardboard is used.

To make them, you will need the following materials:

  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • knitting needle or rod.

Production is as follows:

  1. Each A4 sheet of cardboard is cut in half.
  2. Using a knitting needle or rod, the cardboard is twisted starting from the corner.
  3. After that, they are straightened to get an elongated fist narrowed on one side and expanded on the other.
  4. The edges are glued together.
  5. One third of the cone is cut off and slightly cut.
  6. Cut the rest in half.
  7. All parts are glued together.

Plasticine claws are very easy to make

An even simpler way to create the main costume accessory is with plasticine:

  1. Plasticine is rolled out on a board in the form of a thin square.
  2. A cone is made of a square.
  3. In two places, the resulting cone is bent.
  4. Put the claw on the finger.

Do-it-yourself glove with claws

Not just claws look much more spectacular, but the glove on which they are fixed.

The manufacturing process of such a glove is not so complicated, it is enough to arm yourself with everything you need:

  • thin glove;
  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • artificial or natural fur;
  • plastic claws;
  • threads
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Not only claws look much more spectacular, but the glove on which they are fixed

The manufacture of gloves is carried out in several stages:

  1. A template for the future glove is drawn on paper and immediately cut out.
  2. According to this template, a part for future gloves is cut out of fur.
  3. Sew fur to the front of a regular glove.
  4. Using glue, the claws themselves are glued to the joints of gloves and fur.
  5. After the glue dries, try on a glove.
  6. Therefore, the second principle is sewn.

The result is not just the claws of an animal, but literally a whole paw. Naturally, the costume will look very realistic in this case, everyone will remember for a long time.

Another option for making gloves can no longer be called children's. These are real Wolverine claws made of leather and metal. For such a glove you will need:

  • leather;
  • yarn;
  • sheets of iron;
  • rivets;
  • scissors;
  • awl;
  • bulgarian;
  • punch;
  • welding machine.

In order to make such a glove, you must do the following:

  1. On a leather trim, an outline of the hand is drawn and cut out.
  2. Thinner pieces dock and rivet. They will need to put fingers.
  3. Make a pair of straps that will fix the glove in the wrist.
  4. Six claws for gloves are made of metal.
  5. Claws are fixed on a metal plate.
  6. The claw plate is riveted on a leather glove.

How to make Wolverine Claws (video)

Papier-mâché claws

You can make claws out of paper in several ways; the most realistic ones are obtained if they are made using papier-mâché technique.

At the same time, the costume of the monster will cause much more delight than the outfit of the ninja, even if the hero is armed with melee weapons and all the necessary accessories. And all because he has ordinary nails, and the monster has real, terrifying claws.

In order to make such an unusual craft you will need:

  • toilet paper;
  • plasterboard putty;
  • pVA glue;
  • flour;
  • wire or plastic rings;
  • sandpaper;
  • paints;

You can make a monster's main weapon as follows:

  1. Plastic rings are selected precisely according to the size of each finger, or they are made similar to most ordinary wires.
  2. Tear toilet paper into very small pieces and fill them with warm enough water.
  3. Squeeze the paper pulp from the water and measure out the required amount.
  4. Putty, flour are added to the paper pulp and glue is poured.
  5. Mix together all the newly added components. If necessary, add a small amount of water.
  6. Each claw is modeled from the resulting pulp, sticking paper onto the rings and creating the desired shape. At the same time, they try to make the size a little larger, since the paper will noticeably shrink when it dries.
  7. The material is allowed to dry. This requires at least 36 hours.
  8. Only after the products have dried, are they carefully sanded with sandpaper, thereby adding even more realism.
  9. Polished products are coated with glue and left to dry for four hours.
  10. After that, the claws are covered with white paint and give time to dry.
  11. Bronze paint is applied next, time is also allocated for it to dry.
  12. Finally, the products are varnished.

The manufacturing process of claws in this way is very painstaking, but it is in this case that it turns out to achieve the desired result. Out of ordinary paper, real monster claws are made.

To make the claws yourself, you can use not only paper, but also cardboard, plasticine, metal or wood. It all depends on who this carnival accessory is for and what effect should be obtained. If the costume is prepared for a children's holiday, then the paper will be the ideal material, the products from it are the safest, they simply cannot injure anyone. Teenagers can make such an unusual piece of costume from cardboard. It is more durable and can remain intact until the very end of the party. Only adults can use metal or wooden claws in addition to a suit, but even they need to be as careful as possible so as not to injure themselves and others.

Claw Glove (video)

Whatever option was chosen, the success of such a suit will be tremendous, because not everyone knows how to make claws on their own. In fact, this process is simple and does not require special skills and knowledge.

If you are going to Halloween or to a party dedicated to the New Year, and you have an interesting or even scary costume, but you lack some details or original elements, then we suggest that you look at how to make origami claws from paper. This lesson will not take you much time and effort, but when you come to the holiday, you will amaze everyone around you, you will catch your eyes and will definitely not be left without attention. Even if you are not going anywhere, you can make such claws and have fun sitting at home, scaring everyone who lives next to you. Of course, this craft is more suitable for a boy. Then this article will also be useful for mothers of boys who do not know what to do with their children, sitting with them at home. Invite them to do such a craft together with you, you will have fun together, and also take a useful, developing business, and also distract him from the computer or TV. All you need is paper or plain white office paper, or you can choose thick color paper.

Sharper razor

We present the simplest scheme of how to make such claws from paper.

1) Take a square sheet of paper and bend it diagonally, and then bend it back, while plotting the center line.

3) Then we bend the upper corner back, we should get a triangle.

4) Bend the right side of the workpiece to the left.

5) And now we bend the left triangle to the right, and we tuck its angle into the formed pocket.

6) Straighten and open our claw and put on a finger. You can make ten such claws to put on all fingers.

Using the diagram below, you can also make claws:

We work with plain paper

1) Take a dense colored paper and place it with the colored side down, horizontally.

2) Fold the upper left corner to the lower right part of the paper, smoothing the fold of paper well.

3) Now bend the left corner to the opposite side. We get a rectangle, without just one corner.

4) Bend the top of the workpiece down. Next, align the edge with the diagonal, and we get a square. Put the sheet so that the upper corner of the future triangle looks up.

5) Fold the square diagonally, and we get a triangle.

6) Bend our triangle in half. Well iron the fold line.

7) Bend the left side of the triangle to the middle. We bend it back, and now again bend both sides to the center line.

9) Now we bend the lower part, the one that protrudes, up. Open the resulting hole with your finger and fill the protruding part into it.

10) Then open the smaller triangle, which is located in the middle of the folds, and insert your finger into it.

Special paper

You can buy origami paper or make it yourself. To do this, we need to take an ordinary sheet of paper A-4, bend its corner to the opposite side and cut off the protruding part. We get a square.

Fold in half our square.

And now you need to fold the workpiece diagonally and iron the fold line well.

And then we bend the vertical gap, now we put our claw so that its sharp part looks to the left. Then we turn a smaller angle to the claw and turn back.

In the formed pocket we hide the right tip. Formed pocket will be the place for our finger.

Copy the hero

Now we will make claws, like wolverines, they are depicted in the photo.

Take a sheet of paper in A-4 format.

And bend it in such a way as to produce such a blank as in the photo.

We bend the lower left corner to the center line.

And in the same way we bend the lower right corner.

Then we fold up the lower part of the workpiece.

We bend in half and unbend our figure back.

We bend the right part of the workpiece end down so that the side converges with the center line.

Are you nearing a masquerade holiday, Halloween or themed New Year? Are you planning to have fun with your friends disguised as heroes of horror or mutants? You can't do without claws! And how to make claws out of paper? Let's see below.

Each step-by-step instruction involves not only the manufacturing steps, but also a selection of the required materials.

What we need in work:

  • paper. You can use ordinary office or material denser. Each of these species has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is difficult to work with dense material, but the fabricated claws from it are strong and last longer;
  • ruler, pencil and;
  • scissors;
  • paints (acrylic or gouache).

Simple claws

We will learn how to make paper claws using Japanese art. The key to production is a paper square. If the sheet in front of you has a rectangular shape, cut off the excess areas.

  1. We take the prepared sheet and fold it. Now we need to select the fold line. To do this, spend on a bent place with a ruler. We open the sheet.
  2. On the expanded square, add the sides to the previously ironed line. As a result, you will face a triangular shape. It also needs to be bent in half. We apply the material along the middle bent line. An additional triangular figure was formed.
  3. Now let's take the longest side. We visually mark (or for the first time you can use a pencil) the center point. From the marked point we measure the segment to the side that is opposite the tower of the triangle. Based on the obtained segment, add the lower part of the triangle.
  4. The bottom of the workpiece needs to be wrapped around the bottom of the triangle, and the tip that remains is refilled in the middle.
  5. We straighten the resulting claw.

Try on the finished product. According to the same scheme, you need to make 10 pieces of claws. For an awesome look, paint the paper with paints.

Cat claws

This lesson will tell you how to make cat claws out of paper. Use as in the previous briefing. If you are making such a product for the first time, we recommend using scissors and glue in addition to paper. It is better for beginners to use thin paper, as it is easier to work with.

Let's get started:

One claw is ready. You need to make ten of these. To achieve the proper effect, it is not necessary to put such claws on the fingers, they can be attached to rubber gloves. To fix them on the material, the glove must be put on the hand and smear the material with glue and only then put on the claws.

Are you a fan of People X? Surely you are familiar with the character of Lady Mortal Strike, do you want to try to make such claws? The work is very simple.

We present instructions on how to make long claws out of paper:

Cut the end of the product to the desired size so it will not fall off. To make the product reliable and efficient, stick it on the glove.

This work has its own nuances:

  1. When using a rubber glove, glue the claws on your hand. Rubber will not let glue pass to the hand.
  2. If the glove is fabric, then put a pencil on each part of the finger, and only then glue the claw. Wait for complete drying and the product can be considered finished.

Complicated Claws

This variety of claws takes more time to create and a good amount of material. One element of this manufacture takes one sheet, but the finished products look more realistic and are more conveniently placed on the fingers. How to make claws out of paper and use them as an attribute of a suit will be described below.

The manufacture of claws is carried out in this way:

According to such instructions, the remaining claws are made. At the end of production, the craft is painted.

Compound claws

compound claws

Making compound claws out of paper is different. To design crafts using a template. The manufacturing principle is to twist the parts and glue them together. Having spent a little more time on the manufacture of claws, the result will be crafts with a more frightening appearance. This effect is achieved due to the greater length.

Before you start, take:

  • cardboard or heavy paper;
  • glue (including hot);
  • scissors.

Having prepared everything you need, we get to work.

The design process is carried out in this way:

By this method, the remaining 9 claws are made. To improve the effect, you can use rubber gloves. They put it on the hand, lubricate the claws with glue and put it on the fingers. How to make composite claws out of paper, we figured out, but there is an option that is much longer. To make it is no less interesting than the above.

Claws like Wolverine

The longer option is considered to be the claws of the wolverine. This type of craft will be liked by fans of the super hero from the X-Men movie. Many people wonder how to make wolverine claws out of paper?

You will need:

  • six sheets;
  • narrow adhesive tape;
  • scissors.

Production takes place in several stages.

Blade Design:

Wolverines have three such claws on one hand, so to match the hero, make the rest of the claw blades on the same principle.

The second stage of manufacture is the construction of the base:

Wolverine claws are ready, it remains to decorate them, because they must be unique. For drawing, it is better to use a spray can with silver paint, so the effect of claws will be more realistic.

Is Halloween or New Year approaching, or you and your friends decided to just have fun and have a party with zombies, mutants and other horror characters? Then you can not do without a fancy dress. And what makes a costume fancy? Right, the details.

Little things - masks, gloves, and other tinsel give the garment a special flavor. And if you decide to become a Wolverine, a follower of Freddy Krueger, a crazy zombie or a wild predator, without claws, even paper ones, you can not do. Make them easy - you need a little time and patience, as well as a simple set of materials.

What you need to make paper claws:

Paper. It can be either a regular A4 office format or more dense. Each of these options has its advantages and disadvantages. Plain paper is easier to fold and fold, but less wear-resistant. It's harder to work with a dense one, but its products will last longer.

Ruler, pencil.

Glue - for those options where the bends need to be glued.


Gouache or acrylic paints - if you make claws from white paper and want to give them the desired color.

It is better to make claws on a table or other hard surface, on which there is enough room for maneuver.

Having studied the instructions presented - how to make claws out of paper, you can easily create such a "formidable" accessory for your suit.

Option number 1.

The basis of any paper product in the style of origami, and the claws of paper also belong to this type of art, is a square. Therefore, if your sheet is rectangular, you can cut a few extra centimeters, or bend them inside the product.

1. We take a sheet of paper and bend it diagonally in half. Draw a ruler or pencil along the fold line to clearly indicate the line. Extend the sheet.

2. Expand the square. We bend two sides to the fold line made in paragraph 1.

3. The resulting triangle is bent in half, passing along the midline of the bend.

4. It turned out another triangle. On the longest side we mark the middle - we put a point in pencil. From this point, we mark the segment to the opposite vertex of the triangle. Bend the bottom of the triangle along this segment.

5. We wrap the two sides of the triangle with the lower part, and fill the remaining tip inside the claw.

6. Spread the resulting claw.

Video. How to make claws out of paper?

Option number 2

1. Let's draw a triangle on a piece of paper. This will be the template for the future claw, so you need to make it the length that your claws will be. Also, the base of the triangle should be suitable in size. To do this, you need to measure the circumference of the fingers and take this size as the basis. Consider whether you are going to put the claws simply on your hands or stick them to the gloves - in both cases the claw size should be appropriate. Also keep in mind that you need to add about 5 mm to the allowance - glue the sides together.

2. We cut out the resulting template and apply the contours with it to the cardboard. We cut out the resulting triangle, twist it with a cone and glue the sides - for this we added 5 mm to the width of the base.

3. Leave the cone for a few minutes to dry the glue.

4. When the cardboard dries, we will make two diagonal marks on the cone - on them we will cut it into three parts. This is best done with a sharp clerical knife, but in the absence of it, scissors will do.

5. Cut the cone into three parts.

6. We insert these parts - one into the other, in the same order in which they were connected before. Please note that you need to insert them at small angles, otherwise the proper effect will not work. Connect the "joints" with glue.

If you still have not guessed with the size, the claws can be cut to the desired size so that they do not fall off. They can also be glued on gloves - it will be more reliable and effective. In order to glue the glove and claw, put on the glove, apply glue to the inner surface of the claw and put it on the signet. We wait until the glue hardens. It is also worth paying attention to details. If the gloves are made of leather, artificial leather or rubber, you can glue the parts directly on your hand - the material will not let the glue through. If the gloves are made of cloth, it is better to put them on a pencil and use it to glue a claw.

The final stage - paint the claws with gouache or acrylic paints.

Option number 3

For this option you will need sheets of square paper. Make it easy - put an A4 sheet in front of you as if you were going to insert it into the printer. Take in your hand the upper corner of the sheet, and pulling it to the opposite lower side, bend diagonally. The result should be a right triangle and a protruding edge of the paper. This edge needs to be trimmed.

1. Bend the resulting square in half so that a straight triangle is obtained.

2. Add the resulting triangle diagonally. As a result, he should become isosceles.

3. Again, bend the triangle diagonally, starting from the top point. The lower bend point is between the two lower sides.

4. We arrange the triangle so that its sharp part is on the left side. We outline the line from the top of the claw tip to its base and roll a smaller angle to it. Having ironed all the folds, deploy the last one.

5 . If you follow the steps correctly, you should end up with a claw that fits comfortably on your finger.

Option number 4

This option - how to make claws out of paper - is simple, requiring almost no material costs and special skills.

1. Take an A4 sheet and make a square out of it.

2. We bend the square in half so that we get a rectangle.

3. The rectangle is also bent in half. As a result, we get four identical squares. Cut them along the fold lines. Thus obtained square will be the basis for one claw.

4. We bend the square in half diagonally so that we get a triangle. Iron the fold.

5. Extend the triangle, we get a square with a fold line.

6. We lead the left corner from the fold line to the middle of the square so that the side of this corner is parallel to the fold line.

7. We bend the lower part in the opposite direction. We should get the wrong triangle.

8. We bend one side in the form of a triangle in the middle towards the main bend line - and we get another triangle.

9. We fill the right corner of the triangle into the "pocket" of the left side. Once again, we pass along the fold lines and straighten the claw.

Video. How to make paper claws on fingers?

Option number 5

If you are a fan of the movie "People X", and in particular, Wolverines, then you can get his famous claws. Of course, they are unlikely to help you in battle, but they will be just right for creating the image at the party.

The set of materials is slightly different from the previous options. In order to make Wolverine claws on one hand, you will need:

6 sheets of A4 paper;

Narrow tape;


Insulating tape (can be replaced with adhesive tape).


1. We lay horizontally a sheet of paper.

2. We bend it in half, draw along the fold line to more clearly indicate it. Extend the sheet. Now the sheet is divided into two parts. In relation to us it will be upper and lower.

3. We also bend the lower part in half, but so that 5 mm remains from the edge of the sheet to the fold.

4. Again, we expand the sheet - now there are two fold lines on it.

5. Bend the bottom of the sheet in half with respect to the bottom of the bend. We twist it 2 more times - to the middle of the sheet.

10 . Well iron the folds and level them. We got two fold lines. Scissors cut the edge of the paper along the upper lines.

11. We bend the remaining edges again and fold the sheet in half. Two edges - the lower one and the cropped one are glued with adhesive tape. Do not touch the third.

12. We round off the sharp end of the resulting "arrow" - for safety reasons. We need to make such blanks with a total of three pieces.

13. We take a sheet of A4 format. We bend the lower right corner and begin to twist into a dense tube along the diagonal of the sheet. We fix the tip of the sheet with tape.

14. We twist the edge of the tube four times - it will look like a snail shell. We wrap this "snail" with tape so that it does not unwind.

15. In the same way we make two more sticks.

16. We connect them with tape together so that it is convenient to hold between the fingers. We strengthen them with tape or electrical tape.

17 . We got a trident from connected sticks and three arrow blanks. We take one blank and put it on a stick with cut edges down.

18. The joints of the workpieces and sticks are reinforced with tape. Done!

For a better understanding, you can watch the video.

Video. How to make Wolverine claws out of paper?

How to Make Origami Monster Claws


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